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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tea for Two: Down Home

Back in January I started a series of posts that I've called Tea for Two. (click here for the first TforT post.)  These posts were started as I found things in my life that I'd love to sit and chat about, maybe over a cup of tea (or coffee or hot chocolate).

I've been going through and clearing out photos that just don't need to be taking up space on the computer, putting them on CDs.  I love taking photographs and they often say more about me than my own written words.  These photos were taken at my folks' home.....my home.  The home where I lived from the time I was in the 6th grade until I married and moved out.
My folks still live there.  It's still home to me.
Do you have a place Down Home?  A place where, no matter where you are, what happens to you, what you experience, when you get back there you know, (yes, you know)  you'll be welcomed with open arms and loving hearts?


Breathing In Grace said...

Oh, the memories that old ice cream machine brings back...I can still picture it sitting on my Mamaw's sidewalk and my Daddy and Uncle taking turns with it. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me such sweet comments...can't wait to read your Thursday's post!!!
In His Love...Deb

Mom said...

What great pictures! Funny thing about them is the fact I had been wondering where some of these things were? I guess I should walk around the "back forty" once in awhile.

Erin Wallace said...

Mine is my mom's condo - it's not were I grew up, which is a little sad for me, but it's not really the place, it's the person. We laugh, complain about life, talk for hours. Oh, and she usually feeds me.

xo Erin

Alicia The Snowflake said...

This reminds me of my grandmother's home. It was very old. I loved spending time with her as a small child. She made the best Chicken n Dumplins. Makes me hungry just to think about it!

Thanks for coming to visit my blog. And thanks for being a new follower. I love making new friends! Hope you have a great week!

Karen Mortensen said...

Those pictures are wonderful. My special place is my grandma's house.

Angelia Sims said...

Love your glimpses of home. Very warm, and dear shots. I can imagine them bigger or smaller depending on your age. Lovely memories you have shared. :-)

Rose said...

love your photos. it's good to have these and to enjoy

Mom said...

I just went back in and looked at your pictures again. I had to laugh. Do you remember where that old wash board came from? MawMaw used it with thimbles when the ladies at the church had their Kitchen Band. She also had some bells and a tamborine. I know you remember when I used! FUNNY MEMORIES.