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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Meet my saving Grace

You may remember that January 11, 2009 we sent our Sadie Vanessa to heaven.  My heart has been so heavy and the sadness takes me over at just thinking about how much I miss her.
But today, my heart is lighter and I've got a new baby for you to meet.
Meet Grace.

She's a 9 month old Boykin.  She was given to me by my sweet husband, Terry, for my birthday. He says that it's just time for us to have another dog.  I've fought the idea, even refusing to talk about it.  Having had the decision taken out of my mind, I'm so happy to have Grace.  She came with the name Coco Chanel but I've changed it to
Grace CoCo.
After saying my prayers Saturday night and lying awak thinking about her (as she layed on my feet), I went to sleep.  Sometime during the night I woke with the thought in my head that she was my sweet angel, my saving grace.  Thus......the new name.

If you look back to January 11 at my post remembering dear, sweet Sadie, you'll see that there's an amazing likeness between the two.  We knew that Sadie's mother was a black & white springer spaniel but her father was of an unknown breed.
I will never forget Sadie, but having my sweet Grace will make it all easier to remember.


Unknown said...

Grace is beautiful! Congrats!

Jessica said...

MAN they look alike. I still can't get over it.

So happy to have that sweet new little sister!

Beccalynn said...

Aw! I'm so glad for you!!!

Mom said...

I agree! I didn't think Grace could come close to looking like Sadie but she does. I'm happy that you were able to accept her and that Terry decided this decision for you. I'm anxious to see her.