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Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Beautiful Saturday

Oh, my sweet, sweet friends.  I can't believe it's been 2 months to the day since I had the surgery on my ankle after that freaky fall in the backyard.  I have great news to report.  I am now able to walk independently. No crutches.  No horrible black boot.  No wheelchair.  Nothing.  God has surely been working to heal me.  Your prayers have been heard and felt.  The surgeon was amazed that everything looks as good as it does.  He had expected to keep me in the boot for a few more weeks but when I sheepishly admitted to him that I had been trying it out on its own without it, he said that things were great.  Not just good, but GREAT!

I'm now sporting 13 screws and 2 plates in my ankle.  It's still a bit swollen looking but it feels great.  Still a bit weak and achey after several hours on it but all in all, I'm so thankful that things have progressed as they have.

You may have noticed that I've got a mission trip posted on my sidebar.  This time next week I'll be headed to Belize with my church, leading a medical team.   Satan has tried diligently to keep me down and from making this trip.  Early in September I had the problems with an abcessed tooth that weakened me.  Then on September 9th I had my fall, followed by surgery on the 13th.  Then I had an infection in what we had thought was another tooth but turned out to be an infection that settled into my jaw bone.  During intubation for my surgery, they had scraped inside my mouth and exposed the bone.  At one point the pain was far worse than the broken ankle and the swelling kept me from eating.
My co-lead on the medical team has had her own medical problems and is unable to make the trip.

the Grace of God has healed me and I'm still going to Belize.  All that I've gone through in the past two months has me anticipating great things from this trip.  God wants me to go.

for now, I'm making final preparations for the trip.  We will be gone over Thanksgiving and I ask that you continue to pray for me and the team.  We will be taking teams for construction, women and children, and a worship team, which my daughter, Jessica, is co-leading.
Tomorrow at both services at church the inaugural missions team will be commissioned as we ready ourself for our final destination of Belmopan, Belize.

All of you have been so faithful.  It has been very difficult to maintain my communications with you over the past couple of months.  I make a promise to you that I will be back in full force soon.


Ellen aka Ellie said...

Welcome back oh you of the sexy ankle!

Belize. I will pray.


Karen Mortensen said...

Glad you are doing so well. The power of prayer is amazing.
Have a great time in Belize.

ShirleyC said...

I'm glad you are doing so good. I hope your trip is wonderful and very productive.
My church commissioned a friend of mine last Sunday. She will be gone to Viet Nam next week working at an orphanage.
Prayers for you and your team.

Breathing In Grace said...

You do not know the number of times I've checked to see if you've posted anything. Thank you, Lord, that you're doing okay and can go on this mission trip to Belize. I know that God has great things in store for you. And, by the way...our daughter's name is Jessica, too!!! Many prayers are going with you and the team...please take care!!
In His Love...Deb

Coffee Slut said...

So glad you're healing well! I will continue to keep you in my prayers!

Unknown said...

My dear Weezer...it's so good to "see" you! God has something wonderful in store for you. You keep fighting the good fight and know many prayers are lifted up for you daily!

Coffeypot said...

Boy, you really got screwed. I was afraid your hands were broke, too. But welcome back...Your are back aren't you?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow that ankle looks like pain! So happy that you are healing. I would love to go to Belize, hope you do get to go!

nannykim said...

Hope you have a wonderful time with God's presence and blessing. My hubby and youngest son went to Belize a while back and helped with the building of a school.

Anonymous said...

best blog post-pinkerton

Rose said...

glad that you are doing better. have a safe and rewarding trip. God Bless, rose