Hello, all my dear friends. My heart sings each time I check in and see that you have not only been checking on me, but praying and leaving warm fuzzy comments.
The ankle continues to mend well. The outer incision looked a bit ooky for a little while but I think it's going to be fine. Not beautiful, but it's closing and healing. I go back to the surgeon on Friday and I'm really, REALLY, hoping that he'll let me start putting some weight on it. So far, I've been in a most hideous, very large boot. It doesn't go with anything in my wardrobe and it's very difficult to coordinate black velcro with accessories.
The mouth issue is also doing better. What happened there was that fortunately it wasn't a bad tooth after all, but exposed bone from the surgery intubation. I've been on antibiotics and it all seems to be getting better. You know how quickly mouth wounds can heal. I'm hopeful.
Thank you one and all for sticking by me with your thoughts and prayers over the past month. As soon as I can sit here at the computer without having to worry about this huge boot, I'll be back more regularly. Stay close and I'll do the same.
Air Force V-22 Osprey Wallpaper
9 years ago
So glad you're on the mend! I'll be thinking of you on Friday and sending prayers your way!
It's always a blessing to hear from you! You have such a positive outlook when it would be so easy to wallow in self pity. You are teaching by example my friend. Prayers continue!
Just take your time and heal correctly. I'll be here waiting until you are able to return.
Maybe I should create a velcro handbag for you so that you can accessorize your boot!
Glad to hear you're doing better.
It's just amazing how close we can get to people we don't even know...other than we're sisters in Christ!! So good to hear from you...take care of yourself and we're all praying for you!
Soooooooooooo glad to hear that you are doing better! Hang in there
Take care of yourself. I am still not sure how you injured both these parts of your body (was it by putting your foot in your mouth?) Glad your fingers are sprightly. Hope you are up and about soon - dancing, singing and clicking away that keyboard!
get your body into working condition and then go wild but becareful. rose
glad to hear you are doing better.to have several physical problems you hae great spirit. keep mending. rose
Hi Weezer,
Haven't stopped by in awhile... I guess you have been busy healing.
Happy to hear things are on the mend. Take care, Terry
Weeze my friend!
We have had some trials this month. As always the good news is God loves us and you know who was defeated at the cross. I've reminded him of this through MIL in ICU, the barely pulled off wedding, to my new husbands seven day hospital stay. Like you I smile and know how very blessed I am. Keep healing. Keep shining. Thanks for thinking of me on my special day. Means the world. Hugs and prayers always.
You have been through so much. So glad to see that things are looking up. Soon you'll be up and at 'em again.
Becky K.
Hey Weezer...After spending over 6 months in one of those gorgeous boots I realized black crocks went very well with them with a few gems on them, you will be styling! Hated the boot, but it made me feel better, here is praying for you!
Hey WEEZER! Tiem for another UPDATE!! I'm praying you're still on the mend a nd the BETTER end of it at that!! ;D (((HUGS))) <3
I'm glad you're doing despite of everything :)
I have leave you an award on my blog... care to visit? Just been around lately.
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