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Friday, August 27, 2010

Venus aligned with the moon

How brilliant the full moon has been this month. In another night or two, it'll start waxing (or is it waning)? I can never keep that straight.
(Okay.  I looked it up.  It'll be waning ~ getting smaller.)

Two night ago the sky was as clear as it could be.  The moon had not yet cleared the pine trees over the house.  And there, to the east, just out from behind the trees, was Venus.  It was the only thing bright enough to be seen in the glow of the full moon.
If you haven't been outside after dark in the past few nights, you MUST get out tonight.  The moon has been so bright and clear and Venus is almost perfectly aligned with it.  Tonight it should be absolutely perfect.
If you look at the moon, in all its glory, and you see one 'star' that shines louder than the others, that's probably the Evening Star.......Venus.


cfoxes33 said...

Cool. I heard we could also see the International Space Station. I never tried, so I have no idea if we did or not. But the moon and sunrises have been really spectacular this month.

the Chacogirl said...

I'm glad you told me that was Venus! Looks like a star to me:) We usually have the sky full of stars, but there are so many bushfires in Brasil and Paraguay now, that you can even see the stars at night. I hope it rains soon:(

Christina Berry said...

Hello! Just stopping by to say hello! I see you have my Tuesday Tunes banner posted - yay! Thank you for participating! I hope you enjoy it! Have a great weekend!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

I wish I knew more about the stars - I've always been fascinated by astrology but for the life of me - I could pick out one constellation. Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

I'm just impressed that you got such awesome photos...Our moon is orange right now...Love it!