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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cadence Rose: Look what I can do

Oh, she's already so much like her mother....and big sister.
Wonder what you're looking at?
Imagine putting the big toe of your right foot up on your right temple.  That's what she's doing.  She's got her hands (and her foot!) up in front of her face.  And look at the size of that foot!!
37 weeks.  We're all wondering if she'll stay in there until the 20th of July.
My guess..........NO!
My cell phone stays with me all the time and I've got clothes layed out and ready for a 'middle of the night' call.  I've got all my camera batteries charged.
Now.  We wait.


Karen Mortensen said...

Such talent. Good luck with the baby. Hope she comes at a good hour of the day.

Angelia (Texas) said...

Soooo exciting!! Maybe she will be a little gymnast. :-)

Rose said...

so exciting. hope all is well.

Jessica said...

That's just the craziest sonogram picture I've ever seen. But yeah.....seems like little Cadence comes by the craziness naturally. =)