I love seeing your smiling faces. Join me here at Weezer's Haven.

Where you're coming from.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Here I am.  Remember me?  Mr. Smith is off playing bridge with the folks out at his mother's community so I'm catching up.  Maybe.  Some.
Right now I'm trying to move back into the 'I love my blog' frame of mind.  You know.  When you get away from here for a while, it's difficult to get that blog-way-of-thinking back.
So as I catch up on things that have been going on with all of you, I'm readjusting my thinking.
I'll be back.
I promise.
Mr. Smith and I have had a talk about the computer.
Y'all take care.
And thanks ever so much for sticking with me.


Jessica said...

Very interested to hear about the little talk y'all had, and glad to have you back.