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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Please help

2009 is drawing to a close and there will be hundreds  thousands of animals in animal shelters while we are celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of another.  This could be the last night that these loving creatures could have.  If you find that here at the end of the year you have a few extra dollars or that you need another tax deduction, please go to the animal rescue site at the hunger site to make a donation.

If a donation isn't possible for you, please just click on the purple button there at the site.  It looks like this:

All you have to do is click on it and food will be donated to animal shelters in need.  It costs you nothing.  Just a few seconds of your time.
There's also a link on my side bar that looks like this:

All you have to do is click on it there.  You'll be taken to a site that shows several charities dear to my heart.  I'm not asking you to do anything that I haven't done or that I wouldn't do.  No matter how bad things may seem to us, there's always another living thing or being somewhere who can benefit from a few seconds of our time. 
No one has asked me to do this.  This is just something that has become special to me over these holidays.
Thank you.
God bless.


Jessica said...

Oh gosh.......that picture just breaks my heart.

Angelia (Texas) said...

I clicked and I always donate at Petsmart too.
So sad, see, this is why my mom has 24dogs at her house.