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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Okay. I can't wait any longer.

My mother
Pregnant with me - 1950
Added note from my mother:  The picture of me was made in St Louis, MO at MawMaw/PawPaw's house. This was your Diddy and my first trip to St Louis after we were married. We even went back there by Greyhound if you can imagine - no car yet! So I wasn't too far along pregnant. I have (some where) a picture made at the same time of Fran and I both pregnant. I think this was the day a friend of Mom's gave me a baby shower in Mom's back yard - the reason Fran was there.
MaMaw and PaPaw were my mother's parents.  Fran is a friend of my mother's who was in the army with her.  She had a daughter about the same time I was born.

Pregnant with Jessica - 1981

Pregnant with Shelby Jo- 2001

Pregnant with Leah - 2008

Pregnant with Ashley Marie 2008

What do all these photos have in common?
the word.......PREGNANT

Ashley Marie says:  "I'm going to have a new baby brother or sister.  In July."


Jessica said...

Eep! I'm so excited!

And slightly disturbed.....MAN, my belly was huge.

Angelia (Texas) said...

Congratulations!!!! Awwwh, SWEET!