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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Spiritual Sunday ~ I pay attention.

I'm discovering that the more I study, read, and learn from my Bible and daily devotions, the easier (and more natural) it becomes to find analogies in everyday life.
This morning I had Grace outside.  From way in the distance I could hear a solitary 'honk! honk!".  It was that throaty sound that Canada geese make in flight.  I could hear them and after several minutes I saw them.  They flew right over my head, over my yard, heading for the pond just three blocks from here.  They were beautiful.  Forming that v-shaped pattern that identifies geese from other winged beauties.

(Photo from Wikipedia)
I stood and watched as they hurried overhead, counting them as they made their way north.  13 of them.  One loudly giving commands with the sounds of authority.  The other 12 following suit, broken into two lines of six each,  maintaining formation, and following....following.  All except one.  The last goose on the left staggered behind.  Hm, I thought.  Just like Jesus and the 12 disciples.  One leading the way, and 12 following, with one breaking off from the group on his own.

What does it mean?  I don't know that it means anything, but when things bring Jesus to mind, I pay attention.  When I can relate what happens in the course of an ordinary day to Jesus, I pay attention. 

"Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about?
 It just makes me feel glad to be alive--it's such an interesting world.
It wouldn't be half so interesting if we knew all about everything."
     --Lucy Maud Montgomery

Thanks to Charlotte and Ginger for hosting Spiritual Sundays.


Anonymous said...

Interesting observation! Yes, God does speak to us and make His Word come alive through nature. I definately believe that!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

beautiful post and love to watch those canada geese in v-formation...totally insync with each other.

Annette said...

As I read about the geese, I thought how we can go along in our spiritual life just fine and suddenly without warning we stumble and and maybe even fall but if we listen to that voice we're following, we can get back in line...in that place that is held just for us! Thanks for the reminder!! :)

Apron Senorita said...

Love it!! I love when we see with our heart. God is always sending messages to us. Sometime the messages are confirmation that we are on the right road. Other times they are tests to see if we are listening and learning; like a teacher will quiz the students. God is everywhere and at all times. We just need to listen.

I get to happy and and excited when hear things like you posted. I'm trying to teach my 2 teen kids to do the same.

Hope you have a blessed week.
Yoli :)

Rose said...

I too, love watching geese fly in formation. I like what you said as an analogy in re to the disciples. have a good day. rose

Virginia said...

Beautiful post. Reminds me to take the time to contemplate and paid attention to my daily happenings.
Joy & Blessings,

Charlotte said...

What an interesting observation. It always amazes me how birds instinctively know how when and where to go when the time is right. It would be nice if humans were more like that.

Jessica said...

How cool! That's an awesome observation.

Renee said...

Such an interesting post! Love your insights here...Isn't it wonderful how God uses nature to teach us....God bless.