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Where you're coming from.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Y'all.  Have you seen this?  I love these commercials normally, but this one is hysterical.  Turn up the volume and listen to the words.  I guarantee you'll like it.


Doreen McGettigan said...

The commercial is hysterical. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. I am so excited about my first giveaway and 300 followers!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I actually have seen this commercial! Interesting twist...

Rachel said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower!! Always happy to meet another Braves fan (especially one who remembers Steve Avery- I **heart** him!) Once I get my pictures uploaded to Shutterfly, I'll send you the link so you can check them all out! I really enjoyed Georgia, it was so green!

Have a great day!


Coffeypot said...

True that is. Commando is better, though.