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Friday, August 06, 2010

An award - Shopping for a Wedding

There are three ladies who are doing wedding shopping that I know of from my list of followers.
One for herself and one as Mothers of the Groom.
They have kept me entertained with pre-wedding shopping trips and I feel their frustration. 
They have also made me very glad that my daughters have all married and I have that part of my life behind me.
If there's any others I'm not aware of, please let me know.  I don't intend to leave anyone out.

This award goes to:

Brenda Susan at Walking Butterfly

All I ask is that you keep us posted on how the shopping goes.  So far the stories have been very, very entertaining.  If you know of any one else who's in your position, shopping for weddings, just pass it along.


Angelia Sims said...

Oh! That is just perfect! Going dress shopping this Saturday with my maid of honor. I have a feeling my face will look like hers in the photo.

HA! :-)

Thank you and I am sure I will have a story and in fact, really need to update how things are going so far, TWO MONTHS AWAY!!!!

Java said...

Oh wow! This is so awesome!! I am honored Weezer! Woot woot! You made my day! **doing the happy dance!!**

Thank you so much..and thanks or posting the Follow Friday!

Have a super weekend!!


Brenda Susan said...

Haha! Ok thats a new award I've never seen before! Thank you very much!

Rose said...

i think this great. shopping for a wedding is a major thing in life. Rose