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Where you're coming from.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

An Award - Steel Magnolia Award

The Steel Magnolia Award
We all love awards. 
 We love getting them.  We love giving them.
In honor of my blog hitting the 70 Follower mark, I'd like to present this award.. 
The name of this is pretty obvious, I think.  The recipients of this award are pretty tough, looking bad situations in the face, and staring it down. 
This is what I'd like to see happen.  I'd like the ladies presented with this award to tell us
"Which character of the movie Steel Magnolias are you most like?" and why.
(If you haven't seen the movie, you've been sorely deprived of one of the greatest women's flicks of all time.)
and then
Nominate anyone, I don't care how many, for the award.  Be sure to comment on their blog to let them know that you've passed this award on to them. Display the award on your blog and then pass it on.

I'll go first.  I think you've already guessed who I'm most like.  Not just now, but for years and years.
It all started when someone once told me (granted it was a few years ago) that I looked like Shirley Maclaine.  And the more that happened, the more people would comment 'Yeah, I can see it.'
So it's stuck.  The personality.  Well, yeah.  That fits sometimes, too.

And I'd like to present this to:

Polly at 5th Sister
Dottie at Not so.....After All (not complete address for privacy)

Please link up so I can follow your answers.  I hope each and everyone of you is having a great day.


Breathing In Grace said...

Thank you so much!! I'm gonna head back over to my blog and post it!!!
In His Love...Deb

Rose said...

thanks for the recognition, but my blog is award free so i have to just think about the award. The awards to me is the recognition from another blogger. thanks for leaving a comment on my blog re cats. yes, story is very sentimental.

Ellen aka Ellie said...

Working on it for tomorrow's post...

Holly said...

Thank you, Weezer!! I'll link up when I get my post done. You're a PEACH! ;D

Angelia Sims said...

70 Followers! Woot! Congratulations! I can't imagine having that many. Good for you! :-) I lovelovelove that movie. My mom is most like Weezer. She has the dogs and everything. :-D

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Thanks for the award!! ahh. I do not remember much about the movie, except Julia Roberts part...cannot remember nobodies name...So I will be her...:)