I love seeing your smiling faces. Join me here at Weezer's Haven.

Where you're coming from.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A letter to my blogger friends.

Dear friends,
  I don't know if you've missed me and my inconsequential posts, but I'm still around.  And way behind.  In posts.  In laundry. My reading.  In LIFE!  We've been working on redoing our family room.  So let me ask you this.....how many old people does it take to redo ONE room.  The answer:  FOR-EVER!!!
The only reason I'm here now is because I've got a headache, got up earlier than usual, and managed to get myself ready for church a bit early.  I've missed being here and staying up-to-date on all of you and your lives.  Don't forget me.  Come back.  I'm going to get caught up......someday.
Missing you and my blog,       Weezer


Unknown said...

Don't worry about a thing! We'll be here when you come back. You take care of what needs to be taken care of!

Mama Kayla said...

I've definitely missed your posts! :-)

Beccalynn said...

Renovations can be a headache but they're so worth it in the end! We've been renovating the bathroom since Noelle was about 2 months old and I'm ready to have a sink in the same place as the shower and toilet. But, the bathroom is looking BEAUTIFUL. I think I"m just going to hang out in there for fun when it's done!
I"ll post pics. You too!