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Friday, December 18, 2009

Time Capsule

December 1968

The closest thing to anything related to Christmas was a little tear-out booklet of recipes.  It was kinda disappointing.  I just knew I was going to be able to find something Christmas-related to use to celebrate the upcoming birthday.

More and more cities and towns are adopting this life-saving procedure.
  Shouldn't your community be one of them?
The United States should have a single, nationwide emergency telephone number -- a number that any citizen in any part of the country could use to summon any kind of help from local police, fire deparatment or ambulance service.
The first municipality to adopt 911 was Haleyville, Alabama, population 5000. 
The second was Huntington, Indiana, population 18,000;
The third, New York City, population eight million.
Then came Clanton, Alabama and Kodiak, Alaska

Sure.  Everybody stocks up on Spam for the holidays.

Good ol' Anacin. 
It was a relief not to have to take plain aspirin for those 'Housewife Headaches".
All photos and information taken directly from the December 1968 issue of Reader's Digest.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Spam spread? Housewife Headache? Funny! I'm loving your time capsules!