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Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm back

I'm back  in Augusta.  The drive home was beautiful after having inches and inches of rain fall on the state of Georgia just two days ago.  The drive from Augusta to Columbus and the return drive is literally from one state line to the other.  From the South Carolina/Georgia side to the Alabama/Georgia side. From the Savannah River to the Chattahoochee River.  It's a wonderful drive, the route that I take.  I avoid interstate roads.  I drive the counytry side.  The beautifiul country side of Georgia.  I left Georgia years back to move to Virginia.  Why I made the move has escaped me now but in looking back on the move, it's just what I was supposed to do.  Being gone from Georgia, I always said that if I ever got back that I'd never leave it.  Oh, I've made trips outside the state but I always come back.  The cotton fields were so full of cotton bolls that it looked like snow.  I'm guessing that it hasn't been harvested yet because of all the rain we've had lately.My husband said the peach trees in the fields looked like a grove of large bonsai trees.
It's home. I love it. If you have never been here, sometime in your life you must find a reason to visit.


Unknown said...

Welcome home, friend!

Straitjackets are Slimming said...

I didn't realize how beautiful peach trees are.

Angelia (Texas) said...

Beautiful! Drives like that are such a tapestry of God's artwork. Wow!