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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Everything's Good

Good morning, one and all. Life is good these days. There's nothing really remarkable to report but I did want to stay in touch.
My doctor's appointment was good on Monday. I got the prescription I intended to ask for as well as another list of doctor appointments: follow up with Family Medicine for both an exam and blood work; dermatology (though I don't know what this is about); and a mammogram (yippy!!) Nothing to complain about. I'm feeling good and looking forward to feeling better each day. I still have the aches that come with the bone issues, but nothing is any worse. (That's something to be grateful for.)
My spiders are still out there every evening (like you care). I feel like if it was important enough to me to create a post around them, that I should give you an update. I have to check on them early in the evenings because they keep wanting to anchor their webs where it's just not smart. So I help them out and change the locations some.
The grandbabies are perking along. At least that's what their mothers tell me. No issues of concern. They're at 16 and 26 weeks and both are looking their parts.
Sadie's doing well though I think we've increased her insulin one unit too much. Right now she's at 'camp' for her curve so we'll know by the end of the day.
I think Sweetie's looking forward to retirement more and more each day. He's even been to the driving range and gotten some golf pointers from a son-in-law. Now, if he'd just get his paperwork in. He tells me that we're still on target for October 1.
That's about it. I feel like a mother who just dropped her child at day care. With Sadie gone for the day, I've got to get the vacuum run.
Have a blessed day.


Jessica said...

It's funny.....I knew all of this already, but I was still really excited that there was a new post. I'm so glad you're feeling better and better. Good news!