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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Outdoor Wednesday 011211

Sponsored by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer
And here are MY snow pictures, taken in my back yard.


Simone @ Doberman's by the Sea said...

Hi, thanks for your visit. Lovely snow photos. It is cold here too, butno snow.

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Love the little ceramic bunny sitting in the snow. Your yard looks like mine here in SC. Love the snow but I'm ready for it to go now!
Have a good week, Annette

Breathing In Grace said...

Don't you agree that things look so much different under a blanket of snow!! It's still snowing here in East Tennessee. These old bones are ready for spring-time!! But...I have no control over that...so I'll just watch it snow and enjoy the cardinals at the feeder!!! :) Stay warm!!!

Donnie said...

Looks like a cold day in your lovely back yard. great photos.

Empty Nester said...

Love your snow pix! Hub's grandmother lived in Augusta...well, her address was Hepzhibah...her family owned Windsor Spring Water. Hub's aunt inherited everything and she lives there now.

BTW, I would love that suet recipe! Thanks!

Heritage Farm Village said...

i am in shock that the south is covered in snow! we canceled our trip to atlanta this morning since they are still experiencing accidents on i75. stay warm and i look forward in reading your posts! jill

Linda said...

Everyone has snow...I'm so jealous!