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Monday, March 08, 2010

Monday's Morsels #9

Consciousness - The time you experience between naps.

I'm over in Columbus keeping my Diddy company while my mother is off on her cruise with five of her friends. 
I'm enjoying being with Diddy.  It's been a long time since I got to spend this much time with him.  He's doing very well and is in excellent spirits.
I'll be going home on Tuesday to have my carpal tunnel release done on Wednesday.

This is my Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ike.  It's been many, many years since I've seen them.  With all of my family being in the southeast part of the country and them (my aunt and uncle) living in Kansas, it's been difficult to make visits.  I'm introducing them to you to ask for prayers for my Uncle Ike.  He's ill and not doing very well.


Angelia Sims (Texas) said...

I like your new dragonfly to the right in your column. :-)

Have fun with Diddy!

And thank you for stopping by my place. I don't know if I tell you enough how much I appreciate your visits and comments. :-)

iamNoOne said...

My prayers are for him :)