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Thursday, November 05, 2009

No Smoking - End of Day 1

Okay.  It's time.  I'm tired of being a nicotine addict!
On November 17th I ordered one of those all-natural quit smoking programs that I've heard about on the radio.  They start by talking about it being free if it doesn't work for you.  I called the 1-800 number they gave and had to answer numerous questions about my smoking history.  How long?  How old now?  Why?  Why?  Ever tried before?  Why now?   All the things that you would expect to have asked.  The woman on the other end of the line kept me on hold and came back with an approval, that I qualified for the program.
When I made the call I was very, very motivated and looked forward to the program that would arrive soon.  Well, I'm still waiting.
 I made a follow-up call this past week after it had been almost two weeks and my program hadn't arrived.  All the while my motivation was waning.  I learned in the past that when the mood strikes to quit, you have to jump at it.  I made another call today and all my necessary products were shipped yesterday.  And yesterday I took a bigt step on my own.  Everyday since the initial phone call I've gone to the store and bought a pack of cigarettes.  But yesterday was different.  I went into the store and as I was standing in line at the cash register, I made a huge decision.  I'm not going to do this anymore!!  No more!  I've had enough.  I bought a coffee and left the store without cigarettes.  I vowed then and there that I would finish up all that I had on hand by midnight and then no more. 
       So right now, I can tell you that once again I've gone 24 hours without a cigarette.  It's not been a bad day.  A jittery one.  I've done a lot of praying, a lot of pacing, and a lot of gum chewing.  John at church has said several times in recent weeks that it takes 3 weeks, just 21 days, to break a habit.  Jessica has also told me that accountability helps in achieving goals and making changes.
     So here it is.  The end of Day One.  I'm doing a lot of praying for myself.  Will you help me out and pray for me.  This isn't easy.  It's very scarey.  If there was a rehab clinic for smokers, I'd check myself in.  I've done this before but only for short periods.  I need to do it, I must do it, NOW!


maya said...

Congratulations! I just quit Oct. 11. It SUCKS!! But its totally worth it. Helps to tell people you did it.

Ashley said...

Yay ma! I am SO proud of you! Take my word on this...It just gets easier after the first day. Keep telling yourself that if you can go one day, you can do another, then another. Don't think of it as choosing to never smoke again. Think of it as choosing to not smoke this cigarette. To ignore this one craving. Thats what got me through it. Take it one day, one minute, one craving at a time. It's all you can do. I am SO SO SO proud of you! I'm here for you if there's anything I can do to help you out!

Angelia said...

Good job.
You can do this.
Of course this comes from someone who hasn't had to fight this kind of addiction.
I'm supporting you.

Beccalynn said...

It's been awhile since I've had time to read your blog! I have to say it's a brilliant idea to blog about it in order to stay accountable. Saying it out loud and to a broad audience is plenty of motivation to do something because you know you'll have to answer to those people no matter what happens! I'm here with you cheering you on!!!!

Jessica said...

HURRAY!!!!!!! I didn't realize that you had to "qualify" for the program...but I'm so glad you did. I would have been frustrated for you if you had finally decided to do this and then been told that the method you had chosen wasn't allowed. =/

I'm so proud of you. In case I hadn't told you already. =)

Jessica said...

HURRAY!!!!!!! I didn't realize that you had to "qualify" for the program...but I'm so glad you did. I would have been frustrated for you if you had finally decided to do this and then been told that the method you had chosen wasn't allowed. =/

I'm so proud of you. In case I hadn't told you already. =)