If I hadn't tried to do this before I would be thinking that this wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. BUT.....I know what's ahead. My day started off with having to get ready for a doctor's appointment so I was occupied. Then it was off to downtown. Now that was antsy. Having to drive, and this was my first 'get in the car and drive' outing, was.....I don't even know how to describe it. It seemed like a long drive in traffic but it wasn't any longer than any other drive downtown, but this time...well, I didn't have a cigarette. Sure could have used one. But I didn't.
The doctor's appointment was a real test. I've had to set through long waiting periods at the clinic before (who hasn't, huh?) but this was particularly uncomfortable. I had to sit and wait two hours from arrival from x-ray to get to an exam room. I don't do well with just sitting under normal conditions, but by the time they came and called my name I wanted to hit something. Or someone. I was in my chair, out of my chair pacing in the hall, back in my chair, out to the window pacing, and then back in my chair. I'd already finished my book (a review is coming)) and the magazine selection was horrid. Unless you want to ready about all the symptoms of stroke and what Alzheimers does to a family. So by the time Dr. Doogie (he looks like Doogie Houser from TV) got in to see me, I wasn't in the best frame of mind. I'm sure I convinced him when the tears started to flow when he asked how I was doing.
By the time I got back to the house, I had a headache and all I wanted to do was sleep. So now I know that sleep makes the time go faster and I don't want a cigarette when I sleep. So maybe that's the answer here. I'll just sleep and sleep.
I'm going to do this.
Air Force V-22 Osprey Wallpaper
9 years ago
Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute! You can do it! I'm really proud of you.
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