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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brick Pond Park and the Canal ~ an outing

I needed desperately ... and I do mean DESPERATELY...to get out of the house today. I guess you could say I was having a really, really blue Saturday. Terry took me for a drive to show me a place that he had found over in North Augusta. The outing did me a world of good. Here's some of my pictures:
After the Brick Pond Park we went on to the canal to see what work had been done on the headgates:

I have to say that the outing made me feel so much better. I apologize for the abbreviated post from earlier today. At the time, that was all I could manage.


Angelia said...

Glad to hear you've perked up.
Make sure he gets you out a little more often. The pictures are pretty, but then it doesn't surprise me since you were the photographer!

Jessica said...

I still don't know what was wrong......cabin fever, to the extreme? That's never good for us. In any case, I'm glad you had a field trip and got to feeling better. It was good for you to be at church this morning, too.